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  • Writer's pictureMaharshi L' st.

Never give up

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

The biggest betrayal a man could ever commit was not the betrayal to his mother, neither to his father, nor to the God but to himself.

The day man started lying to himself, fooling himself, betraying himself was the day he started killing himself, destroying his dreams, suffocating his soul.

Because it gave him an unsatisfying peace that silently whispered in his ears saying "you can't"

Was the day he gave up everything, every dream, every passion.

He knew not about the things he could do, the wonders he could create, the legends he could give rise to; in the darkness of his own Bluffs.

But it's been so hard lately to stop contemplating about the things and deeds I've not conveyed madly.

I can't sleep as the history of today will have to be written in only a few pages.

I can't sleep as my passion as the fire flaming in my heart keeps on it's rages.

I can't sleep as the words of these long incomplete books have not been read still.

I can't sleep as the brighter not my today than my yesterday has been made least.

My new journey is the path that no-one walks, not knowing if it's got, Hot red coals or thorne, it's all worth it and it will all pay back as I see it because I'm not a coward and I'm ready to bleed.

My new destination is the sky for I thought I could not fly.

My new satisfaction is my hunger for it is what keeps me up and makes me feel alive.

My new peace is my work for my peace before was laziness which devastated my time.

My new love is me for it took so much to fall in love with someone else and then fail at last as I will never betray myself again as this chance that I'm giving myself is a second one and the last indeed.

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